Media Releases

We are Here and Still Working for You

March 24, 2020

Because of the services we provide to our clients, BLS has been deemed an “essential business” under Delaware Governor John Carney’s recent order closing several other businesses in our State. While we feel for the sacrifice of those many businesses and their employees, we are grateful that we can continue providing the quality tax, accounting, bookkeeping, and banking services on which many of you rely and have come to expect.

Under the Governor’s order, we can remain on site but must adhere to the following conditions until further notice:

  • All employees able to work from home and not needed for office operations are working remotely and have been doing so effectively for the past week. We will continue to work and collaborate as a team to accommodate our client needs and requests.
  • A core group of employees are on-site to maintain our IT system integrity and security, support remote staff, process tax returns and financial reports, perform necessary bookkeeping and banking services, and process incoming and outgoing mail.
  • We continue to follow required State and CDC guidelines and recommendations to protect you and our employees, including screening anyone for illness prior to coming on-site.
  • We are required to limit visitors, so our front office door is closed; however, our reception area remains open to receive your calls and meet with FedEx, UPS, and USPS carriers for delivery and pick up.
  • Under these limitations, we ask that clients not come to our office. Instead, please send your information to us and allow us to send any completed returns and reports to you via either of the following options:
    • Electronic delivery through FAX (302.225.0625), our secure email system, client portal, or SuraLink services – contact your BLS professional for best option
    • Mail or FedEx – Please mail copies of your tax information to us at:

Belfint, Lyons & Shuman, P.A.
1011 Centre Road, Suite 310
Wilmington, DE 19805

If you have not done so already, please send your tax or financial information to us as soon as possible using one of the above methods. Contact your BLS professional with any questions regarding information needed or how best to exchange completed returns and financials as above.

With precautions in place during this period, our commitment to serve you safely and effectively remains of utmost importance, even if our typically prompt responses are slightly delayed. Our team will continue monitoring the rapidly changing landscape and will provide updates to you as they apply to BLS, related tax deadlines or delays, or any further legislative relief that may affect you or your business.

Lastly, our hearts go out to those who are directly affected by the virus and to so many more who are either out of work or under significant restrictions. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Be confident that we are here for you!

As always, keep safe and well, be patient, and follow recommended precautions to help us all get through this trying time.

Your BLS Team

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If you need more information, please contact us so we can connect you with one of our CPA advisors who will be committed to your business and personal success. BLS is here to help!